Perhaps all of us have heard, read, or even watched the famous story of the hare and the tortoise, which our parents often tell us before bed to emphasize the importance of perseverance, determination, and condemn laziness.
The summary of the story is a race that took place between the fast hare and the slow tortoise, and the expected result was the hare's victory. However, the hare remained busy with other activities instead of racing with the tortoise, which ultimately led to the tortoise's victory.
But let's look at the story differently to see some new details and ideas.
Imagine if the rabbit had arrived first and won the race, would it have been a victory for him and for us?
If we were in the rabbit's place, would we be excited about winning against a turtle?
Perhaps people would make fun of him and his victory if the rabbit returned to his wife and family to tell them about his win against the turtle.
What is considered a great victory and success for the turtle is not necessarily the same for the rabbit.
The rabbit did not lose the race because he was lazy, but because he did not have the motivation to win and did not see the value in winning against a turtle.
Do not be a rabbit.
We should not put ourselves in a race like the race between the rabbit and the turtle.
We should put our efforts and thoughts into the race that matters to us and that we have a passion for.
The only mistake that the rabbit made in this story was accepting to participate in it.
We should distance ourselves from things that do not resemble us.
When our dreams are different and our abilities are unique, the challenges should be tailored to us.
And our first and most important challenge should be with ourselves and our own abilities, not with any human turtle around us.
By: Maher Daboul
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