Burnout in the Office


Over there in that office, the flames blaring and the smell of burning and igniting from it, something was burning.
I opened the door to find behind the office table an employee was burning.
He was suffering from a loss of interest and enthusiasm for work
As if the burning prevented him from being active and tired him excessively, and the burning led to poor concentration, he sometimes feels stomach pain and while he has struggled sleeping.
All this led to inefficiency in the work.
The most important question is why this employee was burning behind his desk, and although the air conditioner is working behind him and there is a lot of water around it, it is burning from the inside.

why is it burning?

Reasons of job burnout:
There is a vast difference between a person’s job expectations, skills, abilities, and knowledge, as the employee sometimes possesses abilities and capabilities that are less than the requirements of the job, which forces him to do more effort, which exposes him to stress.
Lack of clear measures of effectiveness or progress, lack of employee motivation after achievement, and absence of a reward system.
Also, frequent travel, long hours, or difficult work environment.
A lack of balance between the expectations of managers, co-workers, donors, beneficiaries, family, and the employee himself
Lack of appreciation, fairness, or feedback, bias, and misunderstanding. 
He is a human being who burns and burns, and his professional burnout affected his family and professional life and feelings, making him more depressed and angry.
I stood in front of his office and thought, how can we help him?
At first, I went to his manager's room and his colleagues and explained to them about job burnout and about our colleague who is burning in his office.
 I explained to them that they should help him and his should re-evaluate him, explain his strengths them, and work on performance appraisal and development exercises.
The organizational culture must be explained and conveyed among employees and work to create a more structured environment.
Focusing on rest and allowing enough time to rest during and after work, as well as allowing time to see family and engage in enjoyable social and personal activities.
Colleagues responded to the advice and within a short time the fire began to die down and our colleague began to feel more at ease.

Maher Daboul

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