Closed Doors | Maher Daboul


The best way to find opportunities that resemble us is to find our passion, as the life we ​​are waiting for is waiting for us.

We will succeed when we do the things we love.

But should we knock on closed doors?

Knocking on doors may not be the best way to enter, especially if we have the key.

And the only doors we should knock on are the doors of friends.

The real key to success is our ideas, the ideas that shape our personality and our perceptions, and through which we live and exist.

The way we think determines the path of our lives, our perceptions of ourselves, others, life, success, failure, determination, and surrender.

We need to change our ideas to turn failure into success and stumbling into a leap, and to delete the word surrender from our dictionary, and make the development of our ideas, abilities, and methods our goal, and self-development becomes a fundamental value in our lives. Then we will have the key to the gateway of opportunities.

The mind is the problem, and it is the solution.

When we are in a problem and surrounded by difficulties and challenges, we often find it difficult to see a solution or a way out.

Or when we strongly desire something, it becomes difficult for us to see the best way to get it.

It's like being inside a maze and not knowing which doors or paths are the right ones.

What is the best way to get out of a maze?

And what is the most effective way to open closed doors?

First, we need to realize and understand our situation well, to know that we are in a maze, and to know which doors around us are closed and which door we want to enter and where we want to go.

Closed doors are opportunities waiting for us to enter and get them.

Many times, doors have been closed in front of me, and I have lost my way in complex mazes.

It took me a long time to learn from my failed experiences that every problem is a maze and every challenge is a closed door. I learned to deal with them as if they were a puzzle and to search for the appropriate solution. It's foolish to take the same path to cross two different mazes. And we should not deal with all doors in the same way because some doors knock and some doors require a key, and some must be broken.

Your thinking is your tool to solve the puzzle and to seize opportunities. Remember that closed doors and mazes are opportunities to gain something.

Now, think of a solution to your closed doors puzzle.

By: Maher Daaboul

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