Philosophy is the oldest intellectual activity in the history of humanity, and it has existed since ancient times as an attempt to uncover the secrets of the universe and humanity.
The word philosophy is derived from the Greek word "philosophia" which literally means "love of wisdom".
Philosophy is the search for knowledge of existence and the known. As Ibn Rushd expressed: "The more complete knowledge of created things is, the more complete is the knowledge of the Creator."
Humanity was faced with the wonder of the world that made it ask questions about the secrets of this universe and its existence, and as a result, the first philosophy emerged, which dealt with important topics such as mathematics, medicine, law, natural sciences, and ontology.
As theories and methods advanced in these sciences, they reached the stage of scientific maturity and left the crucible of philosophy and became independent.
However, philosophy still has the role of dealing with reality and bringing together all scientific and intellectual products to formulate the human view of the world, science, and existence.
Philosophy has developed greatly, and its branches, subjects, and related sciences have become diverse. Its subjects include metaphysics, ontology (which is the science of existence and philosophical psychology, theology, cosmology, ethics, epistemology, philosophy of nature, theory of science, logic, philosophy of language, religion, philosophy of law, and aesthetics).
Philosophy is not a science, but it is a parallel entity to science. Philosophy works with science to formulate the human view of the world and existence.
The prevailing general notion about philosophy in Arab societies is that it is a subject that discusses atheism, and this idea is adopted. However, this notion is incorrect and stems from the views of some philosophers who denied belief in creation and religions. On the other hand, there are many philosophers who defended the belief in a creator of this universe, and they have been the majority since ancient Greek times until today. The most important of them is Descartes, who provided logical and philosophical arguments that prove the existence of a creator of this universe.
However, as Imam Ali said, "People are enemies of what they are ignorant of."
The most important question is, what will philosophy offer us today?
This is an important question with a broad answer that requires philosophical works, papers, and research. But we will try to mention the most important points that philosophy will offer us.
On an individual level, we are not required to adopt the opinions and theories of philosophical schools, but to learn the philosophical research methodology, to ask questions when we are amazed by the intricacies of this universe, trying to use philosophy to reach the original knowledge.
To learn logic, argumentation, induction, and how to obtain information correctly and methodically.
To learn philosophical courage and bravery to dive into the sea of questions, heading towards knowledge, trying to hunt its treasures.
Philosophy will make us more capable of scrutiny and criticism and make us better readers of reality, providing us with benefits in all our specialties. It is what helps us to formulate evidence and arguments that argue for beliefs and theories in all natural, religious, and human scientific fields.
"How can philosophy change in our societies?
Philosophy is the efficacy that moves among the sciences to shape the goals and purposes of societal development by collecting the scientific, social, and cultural output of society and devising the means and methods to achieve those goals in accordance with the values and beliefs of society.
Philosophy is the incubator of scientific truths, adding to them the results obtained from the humanities and arriving at conclusions that are consistent with the prevailing values and ethics of society.
Philosophy is an important part of shaping truth in this world, and it is not all truth but an important part of reaching it. The most important weapon of philosophy is questions, which in turn cooperate with science to formulate its theories, cooperate with religion to provide evidence and arguments about its beliefs, cooperate with literature to define the beautiful and sublime from it, and its reasons. It delves into the metaphysics to establish and discuss truths.
"Philosophy is a sea unlike other seas; its rider finds danger and deviation on its coasts and shores, and safety and faith in its depths." (Abu al-Nour al-Samarqandi)
By: Maher Daaboul.
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